Monday, September 30, 2019

Analysis of the Cultural Framework of Norway

All human beings are affixed to some form of cultural system which dictates the way they do things and how they relate to one another (Tavanti 106). These unwritten norms, beliefs and values are affixed firmly to a cultural framework which is a blue print that enables them to be expressed. Each community has got its own cultural framework which binds people who share a lot in common e. g. a nationality and live within a distinct boundary like for example a country. In instances where the country has a large geographical area or has a mixture of distinct races there could be an existence of more than one cultural framework. An example of a country like this is the United States which has got two distinct races: black and white existing side by side although each race has got its own cultural framework. No country in the world exists without its own unique national culture. This paper will attempt to examine the cultural framework of Norway using findings from a study carried out by renowned professor Geert Hofstede who has studied the cultural frameworks of various countries and communities in the world at large overtime. Hofstede studied the cultural framework of Norway and came up with five dimensions. These are Power Distance Index, Individualism, Masculinity, Uncertainty Avoidance Index, Long-Term Orientation (Hofstede). Hofstede describes masculinity as the opposite of femininity and in culture it refers to the roles that the males carry out as compared to the females in a community. This dimension by Hofstede shows what it means to be male or female in any community. Holland, Blair & Sheldon argue that in most of the western countries, masculinity is hegemonic while femininity is emphasized (Holland, Blair & Sheldon 7). The characteristics exhibited by masculine members of society are power, authority, competence on technical matters etc while feminine members of society are tied down more to fulfilling the desires of their masculine counterparts (Holland, Blair & Sheldon 7). Hofstede’ scale places Norway’s masculinity index low at around 5%. This is low compared to many countries e. g. Germany where the masculinity scale is 65 percent. This shows that compared to other countries the difference between the values of the males and females of the country is not very large and both of them are treated with almost an equal status. For instance in a country with a low masculinity index like Norway both the men and women can do similar jobs without people raising their eyebrows like babysitting or cooking. The girls are also educated to the same level as boys and the number of boys and girls who graduate from university are almost similar. The similarity though is that most of the females in the world are concerned with how they look while males are measured according to their achievements. Individualism refers to the degree to which members of a society operate as single sovereign entities and are treated as such. Hofstede adds that it is the opposite of collectivism where individuals live as a community. Or groups e. g. extended families that consist of several relatives e. g. grandfathers, uncles, in-laws, aunts etc. in the individualism index provided by Hofstede places the country at 62%. This shows that most of the people in Norway are used to living and being treated as individuals rather than a collection where people think on their own and pursue their dreams as individuals. Countries with high individualism scores like the United States are also the ones with the highest economic strengths. On the issue of individualism Ponderator argues that the advantages of living in a country with a high individualism index are the treatment of all people with equality, freedom and independence (Ponderator 23). Furthermore individualists are considered to be high achievers and are very competitive as compared to collectivists who work as a group as this slows down the progress of the group as whole. However with individualism cohesion between people of an individualistic country tends to loosen with time and families are the ones that are affected mostly. For instance high divorce rates exist in most of the western countries. Power distance index refers to the division of wealth and power between the members of a population of a country. Hofstede says that it also shows how unequal the societies of the world are in terms of wealth and power distribution and the fact that the people without power have come to accept that power and wealth distribution is indeed unequal. His findings place Norway’s power distance index at 25% which is relatively low compared to most of the countries. According to Moij, a low power distance index represents a society that has its people operating on almost the same economic levels as the governments try to focus on providing equal opportunities and rights to its citizens (Moij, 83). He further gives illustrations like for instance in high power distance index economies people attempt to dress as nicely as possible in that you can know the economic strength of people from their outfits. On the contrary in low power distance index economies people do not care too much on what they wear as they are the same. He also adds that a low power distance index country like Norway is as a result of high levels of education within its population. Moij defines uncertainty avoidance as the level of fear of uncertain occurrences happening to them through their instincts and the steps that they take to avoid these unplanned occurrences (Moij, 83). The results shown on Hofstede’s index show Norway’s uncertainty avoidance index at 45% which is just below the centre mark. Moij further adds on that countries with low uncertainty avoidance index are more open to change and innovation. They also do not seem to care much about the quality of food that they eat e. g. it is uncommon t find people insisting to drink mineral water when piped water is clean. They also do not care too much about their physical appearances and are less emotional and more tolerant (83). The fifth dimension is an addition to the first four and was part of Hofstede’s plan to find out the difference in thinking between the people who live in western countries and those who live in the east. This was after it was discovered that the east is developing rapidly in terms of business and economy and no information was available originally to explain the success of some countries from the east in innovations, business etc (Moij, 84) Norway’s long-term orientation is placed at a low of 20% which in essence means it is a short term orientation country. Characteristics of the population of Norway with respect to their orientation could be they respect their culture, appreciate presents and give back, protection of personal reputations etc. Conclusion The 5 cultural dimensions outlined by Professor Geerte Hofstede gave a good framework for studying the difference in cultures in the world. It shows why people uphold certain beliefs and even passing them through generations. This paper has evaluated a case study of Norway which is in Europe while at the same time comparing it with other countries to show the difference in cultures.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Course Outline – General Principles of Management

WOMEN’S UNIVERSITY IN AFRICA Addressing gender disparity and fostering equity in University Education FACULTY OF MANAGEMENT AND ENTREPRENEURIAL STUDIES & I. T. BSc MANAGEMENT AND ENTREPRENEURIAL DEVELOPMENT STUDIES (BM114) Course Outline for General Management Principles (BM114) Preamble A study of the General Management principles that seeks to equip students with the general management and managerial skills that will prepare them to be effective managers and entrepreneurs who can quickly adopt to new management situations. Aims To equip students with modern general management principles.Objectives of the Course 1. To enable students to understand and appreciate the nature and scope of management. Course Content †¢ Management and Managers What is management? †¢ Team Building †¢ Managerial functions †¢ Types of managers †¢ Manager’s roles and skills †¢ Challenges for management in a Global Environment 2. 0 The Evolution of Management Theory †¢ Scientific Management Theory †¢ Administrative Management Theory †¢ Behavioural Management Theory †¢ Management Science Theory †¢ Organisational Environment Theory †¢ Total Quality Management †¢ Business Process Reengineering 3. 0 The Environment of Management Theory . 1 The Organisational Environment †¢ Task environment †¢ General environment †¢ Managing the organisational environment 3. 2 The Global Environment †¢ The changing global environment †¢ The global task environment †¢ The global general environment †¢ The collapse of time and distance †¢ You and International Management †¢ Importance of understanding Cultural Differences 4. 0 Strategic Planning †¢ The manager as a planner strategist †¢ The planning process †¢ Determining the organisation’s mission and goals †¢ Formulation of strategy †¢ Planning and implementing strategy †¢ M. Porter’s Five for ces model . 0 Organising †¢ Designing organisational structure †¢ Grouping tasks into jobs; job design, grouping jobs into functions †¢ Strategic alliances and network structure. †¢ Organisational control and culture (output, behavioural and organisational culture and clan control system) †¢ Strategic Human Resources Management †¢ Groups and group dynamics 6. 0 Leading †¢ Nature of leadership †¢ Trait and behaviour models of leadership †¢ Gender in Leadership †¢ Motivation and motivational theories †¢ Managers as a person (personality, attitude, behaviour, perception, career development and stress management) . 0 Conflict Management †¢ Organisational conflict †¢ Organisational politics †¢ Change Management 8. 0 Managing Information Systems and Technologies †¢ MIS and Decision Making 9. 0 Managing Innovation, Product Development and Entrepreneurship †¢ Innovation, Technological change and competition â₠¬ ¢ Product Development †¢ Entrepreneurship Assessment †¢ Examination : Course work (30%) Assignments (10%) Class Tests (20%) End of year Examination 70% Recommended Textbooks 1. Business Management: A contemporary Compilation, Johannesburg: FVBC by Nieuwenhuizen C and Oosthuizen TFJ. 2012. 2.Introduction to Business Management 6th Edition Editors Cronje, Du Toit, Marcus, Motlatla. Oxford University Press 3. Management A Practical Introduction 3rd Edition by Angelo Kinicki and Brian K. Williams. McGraw Hill International 4. A Handbook to Human Resources Management Practice 10th Edition by Michael Armstrong. International Student Edition 5. Management Concepts and Practices 5th Edition by Tim Hannagan 6. Fundamentals of Management Essential Concepts and Application 6th Edition Pearson Productions by Stephen P Robbins, Sanghamitra Bhattacharyya, David A DeCenzo, Madhushree Nanda Agarwal. ———————– [pic]

Friday, September 27, 2019

Foreign Direct Investment in Developing Countries Article

Foreign Direct Investment in Developing Countries - Article Example This topic bears importance in that if wielded appropriately it may just be the ticket out of poverty lines for developing nations. Growth of the economy by seven or eight percent is achievable but only if there is investment of around 35 to 40 percent of the GDP. National savings undoubtedly fall short of this by a huge margin. Therefore, it is up to foreign borrowing and investments to meet this gap. Thus, it is imperative for the governments of developing nations to providing incentives to investors. This paper will focus on the foreign direct investments in developing countries and the impact it causes to both participating parties (Moran 75). The political and social changes of late 20th century and the recent technological advancements have brought about immense changes in the economic situation of the present world. The planned economies are failing and their retreat from the global economy. The development and the rising influence of free and open market economies and the ever stronger tendency towards a world economy. Predicts broad changes in various interacting phases (e.g. economical, political and social) of the global community in the future. The old restrictions and monopoly of the old world transformed into friendly smiles and gentle politics with policies of closed economies being dumped and nations embracing the open capitalist economies. This phenomenon has puzzled many. Everyone however seems to agree on a single point. There would be no foreign direct investment if the markets were perfectly competitive. Therefore, markets are to work efficiently and ensuring there is no barriers in the form of trade or c ompetition; then the phenomenon of FDI is much more likely. Many theories have tried explaining this phenomenon. These theories attempt to explain this phenomenon based on different assertions such as perfect and imperfect competition of markets. The currency based methods as well as those that

Nasser Speaks Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Nasser Speaks - Assignment Example Everything in this piece of work is mixed up as though one was observing a real life development than in a piece of writing such as in a book which one would expect to be more systematic and follow chapters, and subheadings. An example is when the writer talks about family panning, development in agriculture and the exploitation of natural recourses all in one paragraph and in a manner to suggest that they are all related subjects to the point he is trying to make. One can only assume that that is the way of reasoning within his cultural context where everything is thought of a whole and where everything interacts with everything else in one big complicated whole. That having being said the writer presents solutions to developmental challenges, which are present in Egypt, and gives solutions to them. He also proposes a workable solution to the present day issues of governance which he thinks should mix the past (feudalism) and the present, democracy and the tribal (socialism).In fact what he is proposing is a mix of democratic capitalism with a hint of socialist tendencies. In all this, he does not fail to remind his people and their fellow Arab states of their need to unite and develop for the future in order to consolidate their power as a block through allegiance and economic power. The writer sees the world in two views: the world of the Arab and the others. There is also an attempt at reminding the Arab world of their heritage and the need to fight against imperialists. Although they are not expressly mention, one can deduce from the dialogue that it is western nations. This is because of the need to defend the Arab way of life and their tribal creeds, which have only been threatened by western occupation and civilization. This work therefore comes forth as a personal expression of life in Egypt. The definations, solutions and

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Unit 6 PP mini Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Unit 6 PP mini - Coursework Example Diversity is very critical when it comes to the aspect of a high-performance team. An effective team has to have members who have a widespread range of experiences and skills from which to draw for guidance, motivation and support (Melton, 2008). In reference to the birthday planning project, diversity is necessary since the party involves many activities such as decoration, cleaning of the environment, invitation, and purchase of requirements. The team members have to have particular weaknesses and strengths that complement each other. Another example, where diversity is necessary, is during the actual party where each team member is expected to play his/her role for the team to run smoothly. A high-performance team rely on effective communication so as to pool their work efforts (Rad & Levin, 2003). Additionally, there should be effective written and oral communication that is concise and clear. It is also important for each team member to feel contented and able to speak out about his/her given responsibilities making effective communication is vital to the birthday party project. Effective communication allows the team member to provide their creative ideas on the topic, and this is very important for the birthday party. A team member may add an idea, for instance, towards the decoration of the party. Clear goals and expectations drive a high-performance team. Having a team working toward the same objective and should be undoubtedly understood by all the team members (Melton, 2008). Additionally, each team members has to know their responsibilities clearly in the project. In reference to the birthday party project, all the team members should be mindful that the end goal is to create the best birthday party without any setbacks. The team members also have to know their responsibilities properly and take them seriously so as to achieve the end goal. Lastly, members of a high-performance team have to trust each other in

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Pueblo Indians of the Southwest Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Pueblo Indians of the Southwest - Essay Example It can be assumed that this was the case for the Pueblo people of the southwestern United States. By the time the Spanish first encountered the Pueblo peoples in the 1500s, they were already living in settled villages and had established trade agreements with neighboring tribes. The purpose of this paper is to discover more about who these people are, their pre-history, history after encountering Europeans and their conditions into the present day. The Pueblo people can be generally divided into two major groups – the Western Pueblos who engaged mostly in dry-farming and the Eastern Pueblos who were irrigation farmers living near the rivers (Eggan, 1950). In addition to their differences in form of subsistence, these peoples also differed in the languages they spoke. According to Eggan (1950), there were as many as seven individual languages spoken among these peoples, several of which were themselves complex blends of yet other languages. This illustrates the high diversity of the peoples generally grouped as Pueblo people as well as giving some sense of the age of the society at the time of first European contact as it takes a long time for languages to blend in this way. Major subdivisions popularly recognized include the Hopi and the Anasazi. Nearly all surviving Pueblo peoples today live in New Mexico and Arizona, with a few living in far west Texas. When the Spaniards came in contact with the Pueblo people, they noticed many differences between their culture and that of the Indians. To begin with, the Indians had a greater respect and appreciation for their women and expected women to take an active role in the welfare of the camp. Even as late as the 1800s, when many tribes had already been forced onto reservations or into more stationary roles, women retained much of this respect. Although speaking of Indians living nearer her own home, the same types of behavior

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

GIS is Dead. Long live GIS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

GIS is Dead. Long live GIS - Essay Example 161). Still, there is no denying the fact that GIS do happens to be a relatively young field. It is a different matter that the antecedents of GIS could be traced back to hundreds of year, in the disciplines of mapping and cartography (Pacione 1999). In a technological context, GIS came to life at sometime in the 60s (Davis 2007). Hence, in an academic context, it is really interesting to trace the development and origins of GIS. The eventual development of GIS happened to be the result of the interest evinced by some key companies, groups and individuals backed by the prompt emergence of key concepts (Monmonier 1998). The onset of computer technology accompanied by commensurate developments in graphics and hardware gave way to much change in the cartographic analysis (Wood & Demko 1999). This was followed by the emergence of many theories of spatial processes, as resorted to by regional science, anthropology and social and economic geography (Weiner 1999, p. 164). This led to a tren d towards the integration of varied informational dimensions in a spatial context. Canada Geographic Information System happens to be an apt example of the earliest form of GIS, which emerged in the 60s (Kuper & Kuper 2004, p. 416). The development of the Canada Geographic Information System certainly furnished valuable technical and conceptual contributions. The primary purpose of this system was to analyze the information garnered by the Canada Land Inventory and to produce the requisite statistics for contriving land management plans pertaining to the big tracts of rural Canada (Reilly & Rahtz 1992, p. 89). This led to the CLI preparing maps having seven primary map layers (Reilly & Rahtz 1992, p. 89). Certainly, this necessitated the development of multiple new and costly technologies based on the perception that once the data input is taken care of, the computers could readily accomplish a complex analysis (Reilly & Rahtz 1992). The CGIS led to the emergence and recognition of some key ideas that were to impact the GIS technologies of the future. Following Canada Graphic Information Systems, further development of GIS could be traced to Harvard Laboratory for Computer Graphics and Spatial Analysis (Chrisman 2005). This saw the coming into existence of general purpose mapping software, which was widely distributed and which contributed immensely to the building up of an application base for GIS (Chrisman 2005). This led to the creation of subsequent Harvard Packages like SYMAP, CALFORM, SYMVU, GRID, PLOYVRT, ODYSSEY, with each package being more robust and efficient as compared to the previous ones (Chrisman 2005). In the context of the development of GIS, the Federal Bureau of the Censuses do deserves a noticeable mention. It was the Federal Bureau of the Censuses that recognized the need to assign the data collected by it to correct geographical locations. This led to the recognition of the need for a comprehensive and holistic approach towards census ge ography. Consequently, the 1970 census happened to be the first geocoded census of its kind and DIME files happened to the central component of this approach towards geocoding (Chrisman 2005). This led to the emergence of the atlases comprising of computer generated maps attributing the select statistical variables to select locations (Chrisman 2005). The British experience with GIS though shared some similarities with the North American experience,

Monday, September 23, 2019

Shipping Industry in the UK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Shipping Industry in the UK - Essay Example Ninety-five per cent of Britain's external trade by weight, (77% by value) moves by water. "The World Bank estimates that seaborne trade in Britain will increase by 4% a year over the next decade, yet UK ship ownership and registration have fallen substantially over the past 30 years and there seems to be a maritime staff crisis, with a decline in the number of qualified seafarers". The numbers of the UK seafarers are declining at a rate which is not only hazardous to the shipping industry itself, but this in turn will also affect the many other industries which employ the trained seafarers when they come ashore. There are about 17,000 such jobs available, these jobs range from surveying to shipbuilding and from marine equipment services to insurance - for many of these jobs the experience which seafarers have is essential. The moribund sea industry would leave the maritime related economy faltering. Recently, the British government has issued new taxation laws and these laws will not only indefinitely affect the shipping businesses in the UK but also the shipping mercantile which do business with Britain. Trade and shipping have been interconnected through the ages. Initially there was a 25% capital allowance and ... It is obvious that those tax- breaks were not cost-effective. In the July of 2000, the tonnage tax was introduced into the British shipping industry. Instead of charging ships to be taxed by the profits they made, ships started to be charged by their tonnage. It was of the collective opinion that this taxation was gravely needed by this particular industry to reverse the downward trend it was facing for the past 25 years. There were many suggestions to overturn this development but none actually came through. Then the head of Department of Environment, Transport and the Regions is a former seafarer by the name of John Prescott, who founded the Shipping Working Group. This group was supposed to help design a taxation policy in accordance with employers and unions - the Chamber with officers and ratings and the Government. They started working together on the campaign to reverse the decline and when everyone joined forces they managed to achieve speedy progress. In the March of 1998 the group reported to the Secretary of State and in December of 1998 John Prescott introduced what is known as "British Shipping: - charting a new course". The problem with the White Paper however was that there was no mention and no didn't have any solutions to the financial and economical problems of the British shipping industry - the industry couldn't compete with other nations, such as Norway, Germany, Greece and the Netherlands, who already had such policies in place. It merely suggested that the tonnage based tax system be reviewed. It was up to the Treasury and the Chancellor of the Exchequer to step up and solve the dilemma. In the March of 1999, in

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Education Is the Key to Changing Life Styles Essay Example for Free

Education Is the Key to Changing Life Styles Essay Narration essay by Marie Price 3 February 2009 for Engliish 1AMarie Price06 February 2009 I was once a young mother in an abusive marriage, uneducated, sacred, and wondering Is this life has in store me? I learned the hard way that no matter what mistakes I make in my life, with support of family and friends, I was able to choose a better life style through higher education and dedication. At the age of sixteen I got married and had a child. I heard the saying over, and again Just babies having babies. You could not convince me of that back then. As I look back now it was not one of my better choices. I had married a man who was a lot older than me, so therefore I just knew I was all grown up. My mother was not happy to say the least and a shouting match lasted for a few days. I told her if she did not sign the papers I would run away, do it anyway and she would never see me again. So against her better judgment she signed the papers. The first couple of years were good, but then it got abusive verbally as well as physical. Physical abuse is obvious black eyes, and bruises hidden behind sun glasses, and makeup. When there is verbal abuse you are told nobody will ever want you, and that you are to dumb to ever do any thing on your own, or you will never amount to anything. The funny thing about that is after a while for some reason you begin to believe it. After ten years of this, I finally divorced. I was scared and thought I was not going to be able to make it on my own. With a young daughter to support, I took my first step in many to come in my lifes journey, working two jobs to keep a roof over our heads, and it was not easy to make ends meet. I never went to high school; so I believed it was my destiny to struggle for the rest of my life. As a single young parent trying to be the best mother I could be, always at work I missed a lot of time with my daughter, time I wish now I had to do over again. It is 1998 I decided to take my GED test telling myself You will not be to pass this test you never went to school. Well I gathered all my will and took the test anyway; I remember waiting for t he results it was sheer touchier. Then came one of the best days of my life I passed the test. That was the first step in many to happiness that I am still working on to this day. In 1999 while at work at the warehouse I was employed at I met a man named Carlos, who to this day is a big part of my life. He is an educated man who is very well spoken, with lots of great advice. He and I became friends, and talked a lot about peoples choices in life. Carlos is a very wise man with a heart of gold. Trough our many talks I learned a person could do what ever they first, set there minds to and second, have the drive to want to better themselves. He seen something in me that I did not see in myself, the ability to go further in life, I ended up leaving that job for employment in Orange County as a credit processor. Thinking that was the job I would retire from. It did not work out that way; you hear the story over and over on the news, the company goes out of business and the employees are left out in the cold looking for work that is not there. This was at the end of 2007 like so many others could not find work. Bills going unpaid I lost my car first then my house shortly after, and became homeless, so for the first time since I moved out of my moms house so many years ago I felt that I had no where to turn and my ex was correct about not being able to make it on my own, with the feeling of complete despair I phoned my mom telling her my dilemma just wanting some one to talk to, I felt so hopeless, and alone not knowing what to do. Well my mom and brother talked, and then asked me if I wanted I could stay with them until I got back on my feet. I started some classes via mail and very well, one more step toward higher education. So I announced to my family I am going to go to college full time. It is now fall semester 2008 at Chaffey College; I have to my first semester was a challenge and the first couple of weeks I found myself calling my thirty two year old daughter Amy, a couple of times saying I do not think this was such a great idea, I dont know what made me think I could do this. Amy said to meMom dont give up I am so proud of you, and I know you can do this. With a lot of time spent at the writing center as well as the success centers I was able to shock myself once again. I received two (As) and one (B) last semester. Not bad for someone who never went to high school? I still have my struggles, this semester it is math but I am putting in the extra effort coming to campus on Fridays so I can spend all the time I need in the PS 12 math labs, because failing is not an option I have come too far, and I refuse to give up. I believe that without my familys support this wouldnt be possible to achieve my dream of making something of myself. I will be starting a new tradition in my family. I am proud to say I will be the first college graduate in my family. I have two granddaughters Anisa who is sixteen, and Angel who is thirteen. I constantly tell them how important their education is. I am adamant about the fact they will go to college as well, expressing to them how they need to be independent young women and seek higher education. I let them know what a struggle it was for me as a young mother, and how they deserve more in life. Could there be a better life for someone who quits school too young and becomes pregnant? With confidence in ones self and the ability to take it one step at a time all things are possible. When all seems lost friends and family will see in you the things we seem to over look in ourselves. It is not easy to return to school after being out for over twenty years, but I am here to say that no matter what mistakes we make in our lives, through hard work and dedication to higher education, all things are possible.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Different kinds of short story Essay Example for Free

Different kinds of short story Essay As there are varieties of subjects, themes and art, there are various types of a short story. Some of the types are ancient tales, humor, satire, fantasy, biography, education, local color, and history. Lets us have a glimpse on each one of them in this article. 1. Ancient Tales It is the power of the utilization of the ancient form of the tale in the modern short story. Italian writer Giovanni Vergas The She-Wolf (1880), and Chinese writer Yeh Shao-Chuns Mrs. Lis Hair are remarkable examples. 2. Fantasy Fantasy stories are nothing but the fair combination of the old tales tradition and the supernatural details. The fine examples of such stories are British writer John Colliers horror fantasy Bottle Party (1939), Irish author Elizabeth Bowens The Demon Lover (1941), and British author Sakis Tobermory (1911). 3. Humor These types of stories are meant for producing surprise and delight. You will see that the most famous humorous tales and fables were written by the Americans. Mark Twains The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County (1865), and Joel Chandler Harriss The Wonderful Tar-Baby Story (1894) are remarkable. There is serious humor in the works of Americans like Eudora Weltys Petrified Man (1939) and Dorothy Parkers The Custard Heart (1939). 4. Satire The main purpose of satire is to attack the evils of society. There are writers who wrote stories of sober satire. Austrian author Arthur Schnitzlers Fate of the Baron (1923), and American Mary McCarthys The Man in the Brooks Brothers Shirt (1941) are known for their somber satire. 5. Education Story Such stories revolve around the education of the main character. The good example is American educator Lionel Trillings Of This Time, of That Place (1944). 6. History History types deal with a life story or historical event. Weltys A Still Moment (a 1943 story about naturalist John James Audubon) is fine example of story dealing with history event. 7. Local Color These types of stories deal with the customs and traditions of rural and small-town life. You can enjoy the local color in the stories of George Washington Cable, Maria Edgeworth, Sarah Orne Jewett, and Mary Wilkins Freeman. These are some of the types you may find in sort story genre. In recent times, stories have more local color, diversities in the representations, making use of dialects, and vernacular impressions. The story writes have been taking somewhat flexibility in writing stories as they wish.